Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Finding Joy in Literary Terms

This is exactly how I felt by the end of the day! Besides the fact that I had one kid suspended, discovered that one kid had come to class high, and found two other kids drinking (yes in the bathroom), my day ended with a bang because of one girl. While writing a description paragraph (or attempting, after I had sent one student out in the hall and threatened the rest with their lives if they didn't stop talking and WRITE) one girl came up to me and asked...."Mrs. Eberth, can we use personification in our paragraph?" Trumpets sounded, fireworks flew, and I seriously got choked up. This question is coming from a class that, last week, couldn't remember what a flippin' noun was and didn't know what an adVERB described (I'll give you a hint...). It's all about the little things...

1 comment:

  1. reading this, i wanted to think that high school sounds a lot scarier than when i was there, but just yesterday i was remembering a girl who came to school and drank vodka out of a water bottle. anyway, glad you have the little things to make you happy and love the picture!
