Sunday, September 13, 2009


For someone who was so excited to start a blog I sure haven't posted much! I think I am beginning to realize how uninteresting our life really is...oh goes nothin'!

For those of you who don't know we have been blessed beyond measures by a house that we are renting! Kyle has a two year internship here in Wenatchee and after that, we don't know where we will be (stay here? Prague? God only know!) so we have decided to wait on purchasing a house. Needing to get out of our apartment for numerous reasons (well actually just one...our landlord), we had been stressin' out about finding a place to live. Our good friend and Kyle's boss, Bill Dooley, received a facebook message from a Young Life "kid" from the 90's asking if he had any interns needing a place to live. A month later, we are living in a beautiful 4-story, 4-bedroom home. It is old and quirky (which we love...except when we open a door and the knob comes off) and has a big backyard. We are so excited to finally be able to have friends and family over for meals, overnights, parties, Young Life events, and so much more! Our dear friends, Brad and Sarah, came over for dinner last week and were our first guests....we are excited for many more! It has been incredible and we are so thankful for this place.

Kyle's parents came to visit at the end of August and were an incredible help painting a few rooms, making curtains, fixing things, cleaning, packing, unpacking, and getting us all settled...we could not have done it without them and we are SO thankful!! I will post pictures as soon as Jenny (Kyle's mom) gets them to me :-)

The big thing in my life right now is training for a half marathon. I have never been a runner but fell in love with it while we were at Washington Family Ranch in August. Being the overzealous and impulsive person that I am, I signed up for a 5K that is in October and a 1/2 marathon that is in November. This is turning out to be more difficult than I thought...what the heck was I thinking??!! I just ran my longest distance of 5 miles this evening and I am wondering how I am going to do 13.1 in November...I think I can I think I can I think I can...stay tuned to see if I actually CAN!

I guess the even bigger event is the start of school. I have 2 sophomore classes and 3 freshmen classes. Sigh. I miss my upperclassmen so much! They come and visit me on a daily basis which I love but is hard when they leave to go to their classes and I am left with a pack of crazy middle schoolers pretending to be high schoolers. Oh freshmen! Bless your little obnoxious hearts. They do, however, make for great stories...which make for good blog posts! Hopefully we will get a few laughs out of my exhausting schedule.

Kyle has spent the last few days picking up garbage at the Chelan County Fair. What a glamorous fundraiser!! He has asked me to come along and help...keep him company at least...and being the good wife that I am I graciously said...NO WAY! Apparently I still have a lot to learn about being selfless. Maybe I will start tomorrow....or whenever garbage pick up is over :-)

Ok...finished for now! No one likes a blog with no pictures so if you have read this far with no pics I am very impressed. I promise these posts will get a little more exciting....


WARNING: While I am an English teacher, these posts are my journal....littered with typos and grammatical errors like dog poop on a manicured lawn. Just don't want you to gasp in horror when I comma splice, fragment, missspel words, etc.


  1. Yay for being first!

    I know you can do the 1/2 marathon - have fun with the training.
